Kamarasavalli Temple Restoration

We are happy to announce that the famous Kamarasavalli temple renovation work has been given to REACH FOUNDATION by Sri Balambika Seva Samithi and the Mahalakshmi Charitable Trust of Chennai, who are known for their renovation efforts. Our stressing the temple renovators to maintain the heritage values and aesthetics have now borne fruits and now both the trusts are joining hands. The effort is spear headed by none other than Dr T. Satyamurthy on the technical front and on the execution and planning by our own Sundar Bharadhwaj @SPS!

His company would take up the construction work and anything which comes beyond the budgeted estimate by the Mahalakshmi Charitable trust would be hopefully done by REACH and other heritage enthusiasts and lovers.

A puja is to be performed in Kamarasavalli on 20th by noon 11 AM. Those who wish to join this coconut breaking ceremony may please do attend and we all together pray the almighty to give us strength and wealth to sustain and complete this land mark goal.

Thanks to Mahalakshmi Charitable Trust for entrusting this conservation work to us. Civil engineers, structural engineers and architect members who want to join this effort for some decent earnings which also would give you an opportunity to work on heritage conservation may write a private email to REACH to: reach.foundation.india@gmail.com, showing their consent for this work, and also explain their skill set.

Kamaravalli Chaturvedimangalam which is now known as Kamarasavalli is located in Trichi District on the northern bank of the Coleroon (Kollidom), 22.5 km from Kilappaluvur, in Lalgudi-Tanjavur route.

Located in Ariyalur taluk, via Thirumanur. Pin code – 621715. The Temple must have existed during the period of Aditya in brick structure and in stone during Rajaraja period.
Pin Code :621715
District :Ariyalur
State :Tamil Nadu

The presiding deity is known by different names in different periods. If he was called Tirunallur Mahadeva in the 10th century, later he came to be called Karkotakesvaram Udaiya Nayanar. The Godess is Balambigai.
According to the sthala purana, Karkkodga worshipped the Lord here. The legend also says that King Parikshit cursed the Great Serpant,Karkodaka. Suffering from serious illness worshipped the
The temple faces east. The main temple has a tri-tala vimana with round sikhara. Its adhistana (basement) and garbha grha are of stone. The superstructure is of brick and mortar. The garbha griha is 4.9 M square in area.
The ardhamandapa projects 7.3 M forward. There is a later mukha mandapa as well. On the external walls of the garbha griha are panels of miniature sculptures (friezes) of fine workmanship.
There are sculptural representations of various deities in the deva koshtas of the temple.These include Ganapathy, Agasthya, Ardhanareeswara, Lingodbhavar, Kankalamurti, Bhikshatanar, Brahma, Durga .
There are sub-shrines for Ganapathy, Subrahmonia and Chandeswarar. There is an Amman Sannidhi in the forecourt which is a later addition during the Pandya hegemony in 14th century.
The temple has many palm sized miniatures representing sivalila.
In the north-east corner adjoining the main mukhappu (facade) of the temple, there is a Koothambalam stage, beyond which there is a tunnel (which is closed now).
Kamarasavalli Epigraphs:
ARE 61 of 1914. (Tamil.) On the north wall of the central shrine in the Karkotakesvara temple. Records in the seventeenth year of the Chola king Parakesarivarman alias Rajendra Choladeva ( AD 1039) gift of land to the temple of Tirunallur Mahadeva.
ARE 62 of 1914. (Tamil.) On the same wall. An incomplete record of the Chola king Rajakesarivarman alias Rajarajadeva I, dated in his twentieth year, Kanya, Wednesday, Krittika, corresponding to 20th September, A.D. 1004. Mentions an assembly of eighty persons.

ARE 63 of 1914. (Tamil.) On the same wall. Records in the twenty-ninth year (AD 1014) of the Chola king Rajarajakesarivarman alias
Rajarajadeva I gift of fifteen kalanjus of gold for a lamp to the temple of Tirunallur Mahadeva at Kamarasavalli-chaturvedimangalam, a brahmadeya in Mirai-kurram which was a subdivision of Vadagarai-Rajendra-sirhha-valanadu.
ARE 64 /1914. (Tamil.) On the same wall. Records in the twenty-sixth year of the Chola king Rajaraja-Rajakesarivarman (Rajaraja I) gift of ten kalanjus of gold to the temple treasury for a lamp to Mahadeva of Tirukkarkotakisvaram at Tirunallur in Kamaravalli-chaturvedimarigalam, a brahmadeya in Virai-kurram.
ARE 65 /1914. (Tamil.) Sakkiyar Koothu on Thiruvadhirai:
On the same wall. Dated in the reign of the Chola king Parakesarivarman alias Udaiyar Sri Rajgndra-Choladeva I. Records in his twenty-ninth year, Rishabha, Wednesday, Ardra, RY 21 corresponding to May 6, A.D. 1041, gift of land by the great assembly of Kamarasavalli-chaturvedimarigalam to Sakkai Marayan VikramasOlan for performing the dance (Sakkai kuttu) thrice on each of the festivals Margali-tiruvadirai and Vaigasitiruvadirai.

Interestingly Margali Thiruvadhirai is also the natal star of Rajendra 1.
ARE 66 of 1914. (Tamil.) On the north, west and south walls of the same shrine. A record of the Chola king Rajakesarivarman alias Tribhuvanachakravartin Kulottunga-Choladeva I. Records in his twenty-seventh year, Tula, su. di. 10, Sunday, Satabhishaja, corresponding to(18th October 1097), gift of land for a flower garden by the assembly of Kamaravalli-chaturvedimarigalam, a brahmadeya in Viraikurram which was a subdivision of – Jaya vindoha Chola valanadu. The land had been waste and it was now given for the garden tax-free, and the assembly resolved to bear the burden in case the tax (irai) was levied.
ARE 67 of 1914. (Tamil.) On the west wall of the same shrine. Records in seventeenth year Chola Rajaraja III( Ad 1213) a sale of land in Vannam alias Madhurantakanallur, a devadana village belonging to the temple of Karkotisvaram-Udaiyar, in Virai-kurram, a subdivision of Vikrama-sola-valanadu.

8 . ARE 68/1914. (Tamil.) Akkaradilai On Thiruvadhirai: On the same wall. Records in the fifteenth year of the Chola king Rajaraja-Rajakesarivarman (Raja raja I) gift of land for the offering of akkaradalai on the festival day of Margali-tiruvadirai.
ARE 69 of 1914. (Tamil.) Margahzhi Archanai with Lotus:On the same wall. A record of the Chola king Rajaraja-Rajakesarivarman alias Rajarajadeva 1 records in his twenty-second year, Dhanus, su. di. 9, Monday, Revati, gift of tanks and ponds by the Mahasabha for supplying red lotuses daily during the month of Dhanus to the Mahadeva temple. The date corresponded to December 2, A.D- 1006.

9.ARE 70 of 1914. Sandal paste for every Kala Puja: (Tamil.) On the same wall. Records in the twenty-fourth year of Rajakesarivarman alias Raja-Rajarajadeva I gift of 4 mas of land for sandal paste (l pala every sandi) to Tiru-
nallur-Mahadeva of the temple of Tirukkarkotisvaram at Kamara (sa0 valli-chaturvedimarigalam by a native of Priyadhlramarigalam.

10.ARE 71 of 1914. (Tamil.) On the same wall. Records in seventeenth year and thirty-seventh day of king Rajarajadeva (III) a sale of land. .

11.ARE 72 of 1914. (Tamil.) On the west and south walls of the same shrine. A record of the Chola king Parakesarivarman alias Rajendra-Choladeva I, dated in his eighth year, Tula, Friday 9, Sravana, corresponding to October 9, A.D. 1019. Records gift of land. The assembly is stated to have met at the temple of Sri-
Kayilasamudaiyar in this village.

12. 73 /1914. (Tamil.) On the same walls. A record of the Chola king Rajakesarivarman alias Tribhuvanachakravartin
Kulotturiga-Choladeva I, dated in his twenty-sixth year, Makara, su. di, 13, Thursday, Ardra (=January 10, A. D. 1096). The assembly makes provision for festivals and sri-bali in the temple of Sri- Kailasa alias Rajendrasola-Isvaramudaiyar. It resolved that one kuruni of paddy from irrigated fields, one kuruni from lands grow-
ing varagu and sesame one nut from every kamugu and one lamp-oil from the owners of every manai was to be collected from the village.

13. 74 of 1914. (Tamil.) On the south wall of the same shrine. Dated in the reign of the Chola king Rajaksarivarman.
Records in his fifth year, Makara, Friday, Punarvasu, gift of land for Chitari, Akil, Sandal, camphor Neriyasam for fumigation,by Balasiriya-Bhattan Sllan Kuttan of Adanar, a devadana and brahmadeya in Innambarnadu.

14. 75 of 1914. (Tamil.) On the same wall. Records gift of two stones by Kadan Adigal of Arunalur.

15. 76 of 1914. Samaveda during Abhishegam during Margazhi thiruvadhirai.(Tamil.) On the same wall. Records in the thirteenth year of the Chola king Rajaraja-Rajakesarivarman, ” who destroyed the ships at salai ” (Rajaraja I) gift of fifteen kalanjus of gold, the interest on which was to be given to those who recited the Talavakarasamaveda on the day of Tiruvadirai in the month of Margali before the God’s bath. Details of the
method of recitation given.

16. 77 of 1914. (Tamil.) Amavasya Bhojanam:On the same wall. Records in the seventeenth year of the Chola king Rajaraja-Rajakesarivarman (Rajaraja I) gift of gold for the midday offerings by the madhyastha of the village on the new-moon days. Kamaravalli-chaturvedi mangalam is mentioned as a brahmadeya in Vadagarai Rajaraja-

17. 78 of 1914. (Tamil.) On the same wall. A record of the Chola king Parakesarivarman, dated in his ninth year, Dhanus, Thursday, Krittika. Registers gift of land for conducting the services of sribali and tiruppalli eluchchi. Mentions Kodandarama vaykkal.

18. 790/1914. (Tamil.) On the north wall of the mantapa in front of the same shrine. Records that the mantapa was constructed by Araiyan Tiruvararigamudaiyan Appaninum-nalla Sembiyadaraiyan of Pudukkudi.

19. 80 of 1914. (Tamil.) On the same wall. A record of the Chola king . . . Chakravartin Vikrama-Choladeva(
1135). Records in his fourteenth year gift of land. Built in at the end. Mentions that Venkadan Pandararigamudaiyan alias Neriyudaichchola Pallavarayar, a native of a village in Marudadunadu, a subdivision of Venkunrakottam in Jayarigondasola-mandalam, was also present in the assembly.

20. 81 of 1914. (Tamil.) On the same wall. A record of the Chola king Parakesarivarman alias Tribhuvanachakravartin
Vikrama-Choladeva (11 35) in his fourteenth year, relating gift of ten kalanjus of gold for a lamp to the temple of Tirukkarkodaisvaramudaiya-Nayanar at Kamarasavalli-chaturvedimarigalam in Viraikurram, a subdivision of Vikramachola-valanadu.

21. 82 of 1914. (Tamil.) On the south wall of the same mantapa. An incomplete record of the Chola king Tribhuvana-
chakravartin Kulothunga Choladeva (I), dated in his fiftieth year. Records gift of money for three lamps. States that Kamarasavalli- chaturvedimarigalam was a brahmadeya in Viraikurram, a sub-division of Vadagarai UlaguyyavandasOla-valanadu.

22. 83 /191 4. Thamboolam for Ardha Jamam:Tamil. On the same wall. Records in the tenth year of the Chola king Tribhuvanachakravartin Kulotturnga Choladeva (III), ” who was pleased to take Madurai (Madura), ” gift of money for a lamp and midnight offerings and for betel- leaves, areca-nuts, a knife (kilikatti) and a pair of scissors to the
God and Goddess by a native of Alarigudi.

23. 84 /1914. (Tamil.) On the same wall. Records in the fiftieth year of the Chola king Rajakesarivarman alias Tribhu-
vanachakravartin Kulotturiga-Choladeva I, gift of land for worship by the assembly to the temple of Ti ruvagattisvaram udaiya – Mahadeva at Valavan-Puliyarigudi *in Vadagarai-Ulaguyyavan- dasola-valanadu. Mentions the irrigation channels Kodandarama- peruvaykkal and Avanigandharva-vaykkal.

24. 85 of 1914. (Tamil.) On the same wall. Records in fourth year of the Chola king Vikrama-Choladeva gift of money
for a lamp to the temple of Tirukkarkoti-lsvaramudaiyar at Kamadavalli-chaturvedimarigalam in Miraikorram, a subdivision of Jeyavinoda-valanadu.

25. 86 of 1914. (Tamil.) On the same wall. Records that Araiyan Tiruvararigamudaiyar alias Sembiyadaraiyar of Pudukkudi covered this mantapa with flat tiles.

26. 87 of 1914. (Tamil.) On the same wall. Dated in the reign of the Chola king Rajakesarivarman alias Tribhuvana-
chakravartin Kulottunga-Choladeva II. Records in his third year, Simha, su. di. 12, Thursday, Sravana (= August 22, A.D. 1135), gift of land for two lamps.

27. 88 of 1914. (Tamil.) On the east wall of the first prakara of the same temple. Records in the tenth year of the
Pandya king Jatavarman Tribhuvanachakravartin Vira-Pandya- deva assignment of certain customs duties on articles of merchandise for repairs to the temple of Tirukkarkotisuramudaiya-Nayanar at Kamadavalli-chaturvedimarigalam, by the people of the eighteen countries and the seventy-nine valanddits.

28. 89 of 1914. (Tamil.) Saturday Oil Bath: On the entrance into the gopura of the same temple, right side. Records in the twenty-second year of the Chola king Tribhuvanachakravartin Rajarajadeva, gift of oil by the oil merchants for bathing the God with it, on Saturdays.

29. 90 0/1914. (Tamil.) In the same place. Records in the sixteenth year of the Chola king Tribhuvanachakravartin Raja- rajadeva, gift of a silver forehead-plate by a native.

30. 91 of 1914. (Tamil.) On the same entrance, left side. A record of the Chola king Tribhuvanachakravartin Rajarajadeva, III. Records in his nineteenth year, Vrischika, su. di. II, Wednesday, Satabishaj, corresponding to October 4, A.D. 1234 , gift of oil for lamps.

31. 920/1914. (Tamil.) On the east wall of the Ganapati shrine in the same temple. Records in the eleventh year of the
Chola king Tribhuvanachakravartin Rajarajadeva that the assembly of Kamadavalli-Chaturvedimarigalam arranged to have the village administration (grama-karya) attended to by those who consented to vacate their seats by the year, according to the old custom.

32. 93 of 1914. (Tamil.) On the north wall of the same shrine. A record of the Chola king Tribhuvanachakravartin
Rajendra Choladeva II. Records in his fourteenth year, Vrischika, ba. di. 5, Thursday, Punarvasu ( = November 6, A.D. 1259), gift of land for maintaining a flower-garden to the temple of Kamadavalli-chaturvedimarigalam in Virai-kurram in Vadagarai-Vikrama Chola-valanadu.

33. 94 /1914. (Grantha and Tamil.) On the same wall. Records in the fifth year of the Hoysala king Pratapachakravartin Vira-Somesvara that the king in settling the dispute between the temple managers and a private individual regarding the ownership of the village Vannam alias Madhurantaka-nallur, decided that it should be enjoyed as a temple property.

34. 95 /1914. (Tamil.)Sambandar Madam: On the east, north and west walls of the Chandikesvara shrine in the same temple. A record of the Chola king Tribhuvanachakravartin Rajendra-Choladeva, dated in his twelfth year . . . su. di., Friday. Registers gift of land to the Tirujnanasambandan-tirumadam by Kunrarikilan Tiranavukkarasu- devan, a native of Urrukkattu-kottam .

35. 95 1914. (Tamil.) On the east, north and west walls of the Chandikesvara shrine in the same temple. A record of the Chola king Tribhuvanachakravartin Rajendra-Choladeva, dated in his twelfth year . . . su. di., Friday. Registers gift of land to the Tirujnanasambandan-tirumadam by Kunrarikilan Tirana vukkarasudevan, a native of Urrukkattu-kottam in JayarigondasOla-nianda- lam and a devotee of the temple.

Gurukkal stays in the temple. No Vahanam.

Contact person – Mr V Raghunathan of Sri Balambika Seva Samithi, who stays in Mumbai. 09867792299.

Special Info:Appar Bronze with cymbals in hand – dated to 10th Century by DR R Nagaswamy.

Photos taken by member Shriram can be seen here

An article about this in TOI can be seen here

Contact person in REACH FOUNDATION: J. Chandrasekaran: 944444 1181